Posts Tagged "life direction"

What If You Are Supposed to be Living a Different Life?

Posted on Jul 17, 2012 in Featured, New Clients

What If You Are Supposed to be Living a Different Life?

By that I don’t mean what if you were supposed to be an astronaut instead of an accountant or you were supposed to live in Hawaii instead of Longmont (although that could happen too!). I mean that deep, nagging sense that something is off or not working or what you thought you wanted turns out not to bring you what you long for. Or you might feel it’s you who is if off or not working properly or who you think you are isn’t expressing all that you have inside. And I’m inviting you to consider…what if the nagging and discomfort and pain is a message for you to check it out. If you have a cut on you arm and it hurts, you check it out and do...

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